Lorie Ladd

of Remembrance.

Embrace the Power

Join me for a powerful live event at lake Nakuru in Kenya. I will guide you through a powerful activation into your soul, activating the God particle within you.

Set a powerful prayer and intention for your soul mission.

Receive messages from a group of higher dimensional beings connected to Lake Nakuru called The Ancient Ones.

A live 2-hour event


LIVE Tuesday September 3rd

During my Live Channeled Message I channel a unique Spirit that shares powerful messages with us al. We have had everyone, from Elvis to Admiral Byrd to Marilyn Monroe.

You do not want to miss this powerful and entertaining event, this time live from Athens!

Live Channeled Message

Patreon Event

Live Channeled Message

Live Channeled Message

The Divine Design is your faithful companion on this lifelong journey of embracing the power of remembrance and expressing your fullest potential.

Whether you’re looking for daily guidance or long-term clarity, each passage will reveal something different every time you read it that serves you exactly where you are in your human evolution.

By Lorie Ladd

The Divine Design

Available in hardcover, paperback & audio.
"Reading this book allowed me to exhale over and over again. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders."

~Sue K.
"The Divine Design takes us on a journey of deep remembrance on a cellular level. It is such a magical gift for all of us!"

~T. Guidry
"This book literally blew my mind! It's truly incredible to read how Earth came to be as it is and to have so many questions answered."

~Jacqueline M.
I created EVOLVE as an opportunity to connect to like-minded Souls all around the world who are courageously navigating their unique awakening while receiving guidance and support all while having some fun.

In EVOLVE, I offer 5 live events a month providing support, teachings and guidance during this powerful shift in our consciousness. This community is a great opportunity to connect deeper with you, a like-minded global community, and myself. I hope to see you in there!

Lorie's online community Evolve


At the age of 13 I knew that I was here to assist in the evolution of humanity. I was walking down the street in a cute beach town called Hermosa Beach, wearing my worn out flip flops, and I heard this loud whisper outside of me say, “You are here to assist humanity through their evolution”. I felt the truth of that in my bones. I knew this message was my Divine blueprint and that I was here on the Planet for something greater than I understood.

It took me about 30 more years to courageously commit to that Divine message, letting go of any idea of how I thought my life would play out.

My Divine Blueprint

About Lorie

About Lorie
My Divine Blueprint
At the age of thirteen I knew that I was here to assist in the evolution of humanity. I was walking down the street in a cute beach town called Hermosa Beach, wearing my worn out flip flops, and I heard this loud whisper outside of me say, “You are here to assist humanity through their evolution”. I felt the truth of that in my bones. I knew this message was my Divine blueprint and that I was here on the Planet for something greater than I understood.

It took me about thirty more years before I courageously commit to that Divine message, letting go of any idea of how I thought my life would play out.
Untangled is my weekly live YouTube series where I share personal stories of my own journey navigating the human evolution, awakening, and being humbly human through it all. Nothing is off limits and all of it is to demystify the spiritual journey. It is not all rainbows and unicorns :) I want to make the uncomfortable parts of our human experience normal. And so, I share the uncomfortable parts of my human journey so as to remind you that there is nothing wrong with you!

Join me every Tuesday 9am PST as we explore the complexity of our spiritual journey and simplify it into the humble path of simply being human.

A live YouTube series every Tuesday


A live YouTube series every Tuesday
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Powerful teachings that transcend time. Here to assist you at any point along your awakening.
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A journey of exploring the power and transformation of sitting with yourself for 21 days.

Join me for virtual and in-person events & courses


events & courses
Join me for virtual and in-person
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Online events designed to support and cheer you on. Join me Live 5 times a month.

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Impact stories from the community


"Lorie is a clear and consistent voice of light and love. She bravely walks through life teaching those of us lucky enough to have connected with her. I will be eternally grateful for the guidance and wisdom she has imparted and the growth unlocked with her as a guide. There are few people who I would trust to lead me into dark crevices from a clear and empowered state more than Lorie. The day you come to know of Lorie is a great day…for it's a beautiful journey that she can help you on!"
Eleanor Parks
Melinda Giambruno
"The transformational impact Lorie Ladd creates through sharing her knowing has been a precious gift to me. Her ability to touch my heart and soul with her unique and powerful insight continues to resonate profoundly and always keeps in step with the unfoldment of what I experience as we progress on this collective evolution of consciousness. I'm grateful for her light and her presence as a beautiful teacher."
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"Lorie has opened me up to all kinds of new ideas and possibilities for spiritual expansion, that I never knew were possible. Listening to her is like making a beeline to the divine. She gets straight to the point on how to rev up my soul's signature vibration with infinite wisdom and grace. Honestly, there’s no one else like her on the internet or in the world as far as I’m concerned. I am so grateful for her guidance, sincerity, and delightful, no nonsense personality."
Shelly Campbell
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