You have two options when joining our Evolve community:
Tier 1 Enlighten or Tier 2 Expand.

What's included

The community is an opportunity to...

• Have fun, remember why you are here and that you do not have to go through these shifts alone.
• Have fun, remember why you are here and that you do not have to go through these shifts alone.
Evolve logo
• Connect with a community of like minded Souls from all over the world.
• Expand, align and anchor into the highest version of you.
You are going through a huge shift. You are awakening and there is a part of you that remembers why you came here and how to get through it.

I created my online community, EVOLVE, in Patreon to remind you over and over again that there is nothing wrong with you and to walk alongside you as we experience the greatest evolution in human consciousness.

You are not alone and there are millions of others around the world awakening at the same time.

Join me each month as I offer 5 live online events designed to support and cheer you on as you courageously navigate your human journey and what I would call the most miraculous and chaotic times on the Planet :)

You are remembering and this community will cheer you on.
• Connect with a community of like minded Souls from all over the world.
• Work more intimately with myself, receiving personal guidance and direction for your unique evolution.
• Expand, align and anchor into the highest version of you.

Lorie's online Patreon community

• Receive tools and tips to assist in navigating your awakening & evolution.

Lorie's online Patreon community

What's included

• Receive support and guidance from myself, your Higher Self and a community from around the world.
You have two options when joining our Evolve community: Tier 1 Enlighten or Tier 2 Expand.

The community
is an opportunity to...

• Work more intimately with myself, receiving personal guidance and direction for your unique evolution.
• Expand, align and anchor into the highest version of you.
• Receive tools and tips to assist in navigating your awakening & evolution.
• Receive support and guidance from myself, your Higher Self and a community from around the world.
join here
Tier 2


Tier 1

Impact stories from the Evolve community


• You have an opportunity to connect with the community members in between live events in our free, private online forum.

More details

More details

• It’s a monthly subscription based community. You can cancel your subscription at anytime.
• All previous Live events are archived in the Patreon community forum for your view at anytime.
• There will be a chat box during the live events to ask questions, comment and connect with the community.
• All events will be Live online. If you can’t join live you will have access to all the replays in the Patreon community forum.
• The community connects Live on Patreon 5 times a month. Patreon is a website that is easy to access from any device.